• Newsletter

    February Newsletter: New in the Shop!

    Happy February! Wow, where did it go already? It’s such a short month it gets away from us so quickly… Well, in that case, this month’s updates are going to be pretty short and sweet, mostly showcasing the new stuff we have in the store. MYTH RETOLD Myth Retold is a series of short novels retelling Greek Myths with a queer spin. The Myth Retold Kickstarter, as it stands now, is complete! All the rewards should be either in backer’s hands or on the way. Iphigenia and Medusa were put on the shop shortly after we received them, and Medusa actually ended up selling out. But no fret–the reprint is…

  • Newsletter

    January Newsletter: Plans for 2021

    Hello everyone, and welcome to our newsletters! This is a trend we’re hoping to keep up this year. They may not appear every single month, but frequently enough to keep readers posted on what we’re working on! 2020 was a very… strange year, for all of us, I’m sure. For us, it halted a lot of the projects we were planning, and much of that year was spent regrouping and re-prioritizing on what we’ll move forward with. In a way, it was kind of nice to have a wake up call like that. So, now: what do we have in mind for 2021, and beyond? Let’s dig in… PAINT THE…