• Newsletter,  Shop/Kickstarter Updates

    Fall Newsletter – Spooky Season is Here

    Hey everyone! It’s been… a hot minute, it seems. I’ve been keeping up with newsletters here now for a few years, but producing them monthly has been a bit hard this year. Lots of stuff happening, but not always stuff to say about it, you know? I think, going forward, the newsletters here are gonna be more lax. I’ll still try and do them every month, but generally? Gonna take it easy. Be a little more casual with them. I hope to chat about not just the stuff we’re making, but maybe more processes and just the little things Winter and I are up to. So um, first off: Hello!…

  • Newsletter

    July Newsletter: Sales and Signings

    Hello! Here we are with the July newsletter… in the middle of August! Oops. We’ve had conventions at the beginning of every month this summer, and that’s definitely taken up a lot of time. It’s also not about to change–we have one in the beginning of September! But we do have some stuff in the works in between these conventions, and some fun news to give you guys! Pin Sale! We’re currently having a major pin sale on our shop right now! This is mostly on the Greek Mythology pins, that have always been a favourite. We’re running low on a lot of them, and we’ve made the decision to…

  • Newsletter

    May-June Newsletter: Small Updates

    Hey hey everyone! We’re into the summertime here, officially (and we’ve already had a handful of heatwaves, yippee). May was super busy, and as we tried to recover from it, June just… flew by. Honestly, where did it even go!? So this is gonna combine both May and June, because what even is time anymore. Dino Loafs The Loafs were a big success! Thank you sooo much, everyone! We’re super excited to bring these guys to life. So far we have all of the Loafs prototyped, and most of them are finalized. The only ones left to finalize are Muffin (we needed a small colour change) and Shortcake (we don’t…

  • Newsletter,  Shop/Kickstarter Updates

    April Newsletter: DINO PLUSHIES

    Hello! Wow, April! Wait… actually it’s already May. When did that happen?? May is our busiest month, so apologies if our next newsletter is late, too! This one is gonna be focused on mainly one thing: DINOLOAFS!!! DINO LOAF KICKSTARTER You may remember in our last update we said we’d be launching this in April, but clearly it hasn’t–we decided to move the date to give us more wiggle room between the Deadly Pins campaign and this one. So when’s the new launch date? Well, TOMORROW! May 7th we’re launching our first plush campaign, all the way until May 30th! So here’s some details: We currently have two prototypes: Rye…

  • Newsletter

    March Newsletter: Here we Go!

    Hello hello! The season has really begun–conventions, campaigns, we’re really cooking now! We have a handful of cool stuff to show you, and some reminders on what’s going down the next couple months–because they’re busy. The Seven Deadly Pins As you probably saw in our last post, yes–we’ve now launched the Pintopia campaign for the Seven Deadly Sins! Since then we’ve funded and blown past several stretch goals. We’d love to keep the train going and unlock more! Since I talked a lot about this one in our last post, I’ll link you there to read more about it. You can also back it here! It ends April 18th. Dino…

  • Newsletter

    February Newsletter: What’s Cooking?

    Hey everyone! The beginning of the year is always a ride for us. So many things happening, so many twists and turns, so many opportunities! This is the time of year we usually work on all what we need for conventions for the year, as well as preparation for campaigns. Which means we have some great previews for you this time, and some cool new stuff in the shop! New Campaign: The Seven Deadly Pins This was a surprise to us, but in early February Backerkit reached out to us to participate in Pintopia. So we decided to jump on board! 2024 is gonna see a brand new pinset from…

  • Newsletter

    January Newsletter: Hello 2024!

    Well well! Here we are in a brand new year. Here’s hoping it brings good things! We’ve had a nice little break during the holidays, which was well needed. We’re back and raring to the go now! So here’s what we’ve been up to for the new year, and the major shifts we’ve taken: PATREON First: we’ve updated our Patreon with some new tiers! Here’s what we now have: Sign up to any of the mail tiers to get yourself some cute little cat voids to stick wherever you need ’em! We also have some goals with Patreon, most especially to release exclusive content to there. We’ve reached the first…

  • Newsletter

    November Newsletter – End of the Year

    Hey hey everyone! It’s that time of the year… we do have one more month of 2023, of course, but that tends to be very busy for us and I’d rather just finish up the newsletters of the year in November so I don’t forget. So here we are! 2023! It was… certainly a year! There were a lot of highs and lows for us, honestly, and it has left us once again thinking hard about what to do about the future. Nothing drastic, of course! But some priorities have to shift as the entire landscape of the internet seems to be changing, and we try and keep up with…

  • Newsletter,  Shop/Kickstarter Updates

    October Reminder!

    Hello hello! Here’s just a little reminder on what’s going down this month before we come to a close! The LOST TIME book launch! A reminder that the book launch for Lost Time is this Sunday, at Crossover Comics! I will be there to sign books!! We’re also gonna have some other goodies to offer, like the Fakemon zine and Bonebed pins, as well as some brand new Lost Time stuff, like these: A cute little wooden charm, stickers and (depending if our printer gets them out in time) possibly a concept art book for Lost Time! All of these will be available in our shop after the event. SPOOKY…

  • Newsletter,  Shop/Kickstarter Updates

    September Newsletter – LOST TIME and SPOOKY SALE!

    Oh BOY!! After a year of some kinda nothing updates, EVERYTHING is hitting us right now! We’ve been waiting all year for this! We’re so excited to finally announce so many things!! Get READY! First, of course: LOST TIME IS OFFICIALLY RELEASED!!! The book is hitting stores TODAY (October 3rd!). After the many years of working on this comic, and the full year of waiting, we’re overjoyed the comic is finally hitting the shelves and ready to go out in the mail. Turns out it’s a pretty thick little book! We’re so proud of this one, and are an anxious ball of excitement and nerves that people FINALLY get to…