Hey hey! It’s a brand new year, wow. 2025 is already shaping up to be something busy and exciting for us, and we’ve already hit the ground running.
The first thing is, of course: wow, we changed our site again! W&W has gotten a full-on makeover. New updates to WordPress has really allowed me to go absolutely ham on it and really make it feel like ours.

I’m currently in the process of doing the same to our shop, so for now our shop is closed until the revamps are all done and tested. This should hopefully be done before the end of the month!
Here’s another big focus we’re doing this month. Pintopia on Backerkit!! It’s launching NEXT WEEK!! And for the first time, Winter and I are separating and running two campaigns at the same time! Yes, it’s nuts! But it’s also so that we could partner up with our pals for Pintopia’s cross collab.
I, Tas, will be running Lil’ Harpies. These will be 1.5″ inch pins, in black metal and with some screenprinted details! Of, of course, little harpies! We’re opening up with the Cardinal and Blue Jay, but there’s a couple birdies to unlock, too: including, naturally, the Great Tit and Blue-Footed Booby.

Winter will be running ANTIQUITY, a revamp of his Greek Mythology pinset. This one will be smaller, with 1.5″ inch pins meant to invoke the imagery of ancient pottery, and symbolizing the popular gods. A much easier set to collect, this time! The goal unlocks the Moon and Sun God pins, and there will be a poll to vote on which one unlocks next!

It’s Pintopia, of course, so we’re collaborating! With others! I, with Lil’ Harpies, will be collaborating with Fairylogue Press, who is doing Shiny Trinkets: Crow Time pins! You’ve probably heard of Crow Time, right? Well, if you get some snazzy Crow Time merch along with my Lil’ Harpies, you’ll get bonus pins from the both of us!
Winter is collabing with our other pal Gisele with Sky Thieves, some absolutely adorable tiger pins with stars! If you back ANTIQUITY, along with Sky Thieves, you’ll get some wonderful bonus pins from them too!

Also, since it’s all coming from the same place: if you back both me and Winter’s campaigns, you’ll only have to pay shipping once. It’s like backing one of our usual campaigns–only twice? I guess?
If we also manage to get both our campaigns up to 10k, Winter and I will also collab on an embroidered Harpy Keychain!
I’m very excited about these pins and these projects, so please join us in this little adventure! You can follow the pages now to be notified when they all launch!
New Storage??
The THIRD big exciting 2025 thing that’s been happening is that we got some new storage space for our stuff! For the last… well, since W&W existed, even, we’ve been working out of our own apartment. Which is great, y’know, but we were starting to lose a lot of our personal space to the business. Since getting this new spot, we’ve spent most of this January moving and reorganizing, and it’s looking great! We only had to fight off… a few spiders. And maybe a centipede.

This opens up a lot of opportunities for us, now that we can really separate our work space from our living space. Helps a bit with the brain space, too. 🙂
Just in time, too, because we just got the shipment for the softcover Prism Knights! Look forward to a Kickstarter update very soon, and for these to be on the shop when it relaunches!

What’s on the docket, 2025?
Oh boy! Yeah, I did say I’d be back with our new plans, didn’t I? Alright, well… let’s see…
These three things have taken up a lot of Room this beginning of the year. So, once they’re all done and tucked away, what’s next?
- New Card Deck Campaign: we’ll likely be running a new Kickstarter to reprint our dinosaur card deck, since it’s running low! It’ll also include a new deck with new, dinosaur-related designs…
- Augustine’s Return: this should be very soon! We aim to be back before the end of the month!
- New Zines and Artbooks: we really wanna focus on printing these for our upcoming stories. Look forward to printed Moby Dykes and Farewell Tour zines!
- Lab Partners: our next 18+ comic, about some very mad scientists! This starts rolling out on Patreon next month, and will be available on our shop afterwards!
- New Keychains and Patches: we really want to shift towards this kind of merch, moving forward, so we’re ready to print some new designs!
With all these website overhauls, we’re also aiming to start giving you guys stuff digially. We recently reopened our Itch.io page, and Winter has been itching to post some prose directly online for you guys to read.
You remember my fakemon zine? I’m currently expanding it again, but I made a whole page on my site with all of them so far, that you can check out!
Finally, we already have some conventions lined up this year, and no doubt there will be more on the way:
Montreal Maker’s Market – Montréal, QC // March 29-30
Calgary Comic Expo – Calgary, AB // April 24-27
FBDM-MCAF – Montréal, QC // May 23-25
Montreal Comic Convention (MTLCC) – Montréal, QC // July 4-6
Ottawa Comic Convention (OCC) – Ottawa, ON // September 5-7
Thanks for stopping by! Here’s to an awesome 2025!
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