
Windy & Wallflower is a little bit everywhere on the internet these days so we figured we’d have a landing page for you to keep tabs on us where-ever we are!


These are our favourite spots to be online. Includes this main page and our two personal websites we update now and then!

Free To Read

The two of us like to keep some our work accessible for folks to read online so here are our current stories available this way and where to find them.


We are a small business with only two people running it and though that keeps costs low, we could always use a bit of cash our way to keep our bills paid and keep doing what we’re doing.

Our preferred method of support is always through our shop and the things that we build and make! But if you’re willing to pledge monthly support, Patreon is our second preferred method. (We certainly will not be upset if you support us through any of these means. Money is Money and it all pays our bills just the same!)

Full transparency, yes, our prices on Etsy are higher than our shop to accommodate Etsy’s atrocious fees and the sheer headache of dealing with them. Please buy from our shop. It’s preferred.

Social Media

We always prefer folks keep tabs on us through our NEWSLETTER or to RSS our website on feeders like feedly and such. However, we know that’s not always feasible and you might prefer a couple reminders of new things we’re cooking up along the way as we make them.

Admittedly we aren’t the most active on social media these days. It’s definitely easier to keep up to date with our newsletter or through paid platforms like Patreon & Ko-Fi.