Newsletter,  Shop/Kickstarter Updates

Fall Newsletter – Spooky Season is Here

Hey everyone! It’s been… a hot minute, it seems. I’ve been keeping up with newsletters here now for a few years, but producing them monthly has been a bit hard this year. Lots of stuff happening, but not always stuff to say about it, you know? I think, going forward, the newsletters here are gonna be more lax. I’ll still try and do them every month, but generally? Gonna take it easy. Be a little more casual with them. I hope to chat about not just the stuff we’re making, but maybe more processes and just the little things Winter and I are up to.

So um, first off: Hello! It’s me, Tas, who pretty much always writes these newsletters. I enjoy writing them! It’s always nice to put together all the stuff we’re doing, because sometimes it really feels like nothing at all. It’s always so many irons in the fire, it just feels like so many things are cooking but nothing to show for it. So–thanks for following this little newsletter, and giving me an excuse to talk about things that maybe aren’t quite ready yet, but both me and Winter have been working steadily on for ages.

With all that said, I do actually have some important updates to mention. So here we go!

Prism Knights Kickstarter

Prism Knights is a series of short stories Winter started in 2017, starring different queer knights in each volume. There’s a total of six stories–originally we printed them individually, as well as a special hardcover edition we Kickstarted a couple years ago. The hardcovers have officially run out, and although we love the minis, upkeeping them is getting harder due to rising printing costs. So Winter decided to run a little campaign to print a softcover edition of all 6 stories together!

I’m a bit late mentioning this here, because the campaign ends this Thursday! (Note: we’ve allowed late pledges for this campaign, so it’s possible to back it after it has ended–but sooner is preferred!)

Check it out and back it here!

So far it’s reached its goal and gone far beyond. We’d love it to hit 20K, because then we can toss the idea of reprinting the hardcover again, but either way–we’re happy to bring a final, lovely edition of this series to life. If you missed the previous campaign for it, or just want to complete your Prism Knights collection, or if pitches like “evil lesbian knights” and “ace knights caught in time loops” sound fascinating, please check it out! You can also read more about Prism Knights here.

October Spooky Sale

Our annual tradition of running a sale in October is back!! Admittedly I haven’t had as much time to advertise this one, between the Prism Knights Kickstarter, and receiving a big bundle of BOYS (more on that later), but it is up and running! There’s some great deals on our stuff–lots of pins back on sale, and Paint the Town Red Vol 1 is only 10 bucks CAD! Wowe!!! Get your holiday shopping done now and get them in time, too!!

Shop here!

Dino Loafs!!

The boys are HERE!

We received many big heavy boxes of plushies. Getting these turned out to be a whole thing but–it all worked out! And we have them! Next up is of course, shipping them all out! This is gonna take a bit, because we have to take all of these ourselves to the post offices, and we’re just two guys with a couple of backpacks and a cart. But they should all hopefully arrive before the holidays!

If you missed the campaign for these lovely plushies, they’re on the shop now! We’ll ship out any orders right after the campaign orders are all out.

What’s next?

That’s honestly the question Winter and I are always asking ourselves. Lots of plans, always lots of setbacks–it’s just how it all goes. Here’s what we’ve been spitballing lately (which means: no guarantees this will be the plans, but to give you an idea where likely 2025 is heading…)

  • Reprinting. Lots of our stock is running out, the King’s Grave blanket, the card deck, the Pretty Boy hats. We’re super grateful, but there’s a chance we may have to run a reprint campaign for some of them, as we want to order a large amount so that we can keep them a bit longer.
  • Pintopia. We did Pintopia on Backerkit this year with the Seven Deadly Pins. We have plans to join them again in 2025 with a Greek Myth pin redux.
  • Comics?? There are always comics. But what comics? Admittedly, this year’s comics schedule got… upturned. I have a contracted comic I need to complete, and I set aside a lot of projects this year to make room for it…only for it to not really happen. This has been really disappointing for me, but so it goes. That project is still on the docket, but I’m not gonna make that mistake again next year. It’ll come when it’ll come. Winter and I have some fun plans for comics coming up: there’s finishing Chapter 2 of Augustine (and starting Chapter 3), releasing the first issue of Lab Partners, our 18+ mad scientist comic, as well as maybe… maybe getting a start on From Hell’s Heart, our “moby dykes” story!?!
  • This is on top of the fact that I am working on finishing up the script for SanCirc. It’s coming! Like I said before, this year kinda got turned upsidedown for nothing… it’s frustrating.

Personal Stuff

Like I said above, I want to be a bit more casual with these posts. For years now–since starting W&W–I’ve been in a mindset of “this is a business, act professional”. Which, don’t get me wrong–that’s good. But it never felt me, and it never fully felt like W&W. Because in the end, all this “business” is is me and my partner, and the art we make. It’s not to say I won’t be professional anymore (lol), but I wanted to also include some personal highs, lows, interests and what-have-you in these newsletters–so you can kinda get to know us, too.

This year started rough. We have two cats, Ghost and Pepper, who we adopted in 2020. The two always had problems with their teeth, and last year we took Pepper to the vet and had to have most of his teeth removed. We knew this year we would have to do the same for Ghost (they are brothers, so it seems to run in the family)… the problem is that Ghost was just not used to being handled, so getting him there was a hassle. We succeeded–only to get the sad but expected news that he’d need his teeth removed, too. It was costly–we took commissions to help pay for it–but it was done.

Now… Ghost, the little cat who was always a little timid and shied away, has come out of his shell! He is the sweetest little guy who purrs so loud and curls up in our laps for pets. All of that was so, so worth it.

Pepper on the left, Ghost on the right.

Some other good news: Winter officially got his name changed legally. This… was also a struggle, mostly in how long the wait was. Something that should’ve taken four months ended up taking almost a full year. But: it’s official now! The both of us were just waiting on this step to complete so we can move on to the next one, which is… getting married?!?!?!

Finally–it’s spooky month! I personally adore Halloween. I’m sad we don’t get trick-or-treaters at our place, but we decorate the apartment and have a few traditions we’ve been upkeeping–mainly, rewatching every season of What We Do in the Shadows all month-long, making pumpkin bread and cookies, and watching Over the Garden Wall on Halloween night.

I wish you all a fabulous spooky month–whatever you do for it!


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