Hello! Wow, April! Wait… actually it’s already May. When did that happen?? May is our busiest month, so apologies if our next newsletter is late, too! This one is gonna be focused on mainly one thing: DINOLOAFS!!!
You may remember in our last update we said we’d be launching this in April, but clearly it hasn’t–we decided to move the date to give us more wiggle room between the Deadly Pins campaign and this one. So when’s the new launch date? Well, TOMORROW! May 7th we’re launching our first plush campaign, all the way until May 30th! So here’s some details:

We currently have two prototypes: Rye the Microraptor, and Croissant the Sinosauropteryx. Rye’s almost complete, our main next change is going to be the colour–we’re altering the blue on its head to be darker, to match the artwork. We should hopefully get photos of this soon! But otherwise, Rye is perfect! Here’s a photoset showing off its many amazing features!

The campaign will open with Rye as the first unlockable plush design. But obviously we have some others we’d love to include, and these will be the stretch goals! The main goal for Rye will be $2000 CAD, and our next design to unlock at $4000 is Croissant!

Croissant the Sinosauropteryx! We have started the prototyping for this one too, as you can see. Here’s a delightful showcase of our long-tailed friend:

Croissant still has a few changes, mostly a slight adjustment to the shape of the face, and the tail being made bigger! Its feet will also be made from fabric, not felt, in the final. We recently got photos of the updated prototype for this one, and hope to have it in hand soon! Here they are:

Of course, after that, we have two more designs! At $6000 CAD, there’s Muffin the Anchiornis! Muffin will be a lot like Rye in shape and design, with some small differences–most notably, that nice red crest! We will begin prototyping Muffin during the campaign, when we have finished with Rye and Croissant.

Lastly, a most special little dude opens up at $8000 CAD: Toast the fossil! This slightly overcooked dino is a variant of Rye, too, showing off that lovely inner beauty. We will begin prototyping this one along with Muffin.

There’s a couple more goodies you can get in this Kickstarter, too! We have a cute little sticker sheet of the four of them, and an adorable wooden charm of Rye! You can add either of these to your pledge.

A final heads up: unfortunately, we made the decision to limit this Kickstarter to only Canada and the USA. This is not ideal for us! But this our first time doing plushies, and there are regulations on plushies worldwide that are different for each country. We do plan to do tests for these plushies to meet these regulations, but this can only be done properly at the end of the campaign, when the plushies go into production. To make sure everything goes smoothly for us, we decided to keep this campaign to North America only for the time being. This does not mean these plushies will not be available worldwide–we hope we can provide this, and will keep everyone in the loop when and if this will be possible. Thanks for understanding!
We’re very excited to bring you these little guys! Plushies have always been a fascination for me (Tas), and the designing process has been so exciting watching these come to life.
We hope you’ll join us tomorrow and start this thing off with a BANG! (Until then, you can still sign up and be notified exactly when it launches!)

Also hey! Speaking of those Deadly Pins, the campaign for it is now finished, but if you missed it, the preorder store is now officially open! Get a hold of some beautiful pins and indulge in a little sin.

Oh May! May is a busy time for conventions. We have two big ones this month that we hope to see you there for!
Toronto Comic Arts Festival (TCAF) – Toronto, ON // May 11-12
FBDM-MCAF – Montréal, QC // May 24-26
We’ll have mostly books at these! But we’ll have the plush prototypes to fondle, too–plus a few little goodies!
We also have a few more in our line up for this year:
Otakuthon – Montréal, QC // August 2-4
Ottawa Comic Convention (OCC) – Ottawa, ON // September 6-8
Somehow we managed to get into Otakuthon. Yay! We’ll also be in Ottawa for the first time in September! We hope you’ll drop by!
Have a good May, everyone!

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