Hi everyone! The last update maybe sounded a bit like a downer. It’s been a very weird year for us. But this update I’m hoping to pick it up a little, and chat about some of our stuff we’re working on, and share some cool stuff with you guys! I’m taking bit more of a relaxed approach with this entry, so settle in and enjoy the read!

Before we begin, here’s a bit of business: As mentioned, Augustine has returned! Chapter two is on the way now, updating every Tuesday and Thursday. If you can’t wait for more, we upload pages in big batches on our Patreon to read ahead!
This chapter has been fun so far! I’m proud of the colour scheme I worked out for it, and it’s been fun to play with. There’s a lot of fun antics I’m excited to get to with this one, but this is also the big clincher chapter where something important happens to the group. And also: funny jokes.
Speaking of! We’ve also already posted a good collection of Augusteenies this month! This is our little spin-off of Augustine, where the characters just get to make goofs and gags. We’ve been posting them on most of our social medias (insta, twitter, tumblr, mostly), as well as dipping our toes into Webtoon and Tapas with it.
Here’s all the Augusteenies posted this month!

Lost Time News
We’re at the end of August now, which means Lost Time–my debut graphic novel–releases in one month. I can’t begin to describe how excited and nervous I am for it’s release!

As a little refresher on the book, here’s the synopsis from my publisher:
Twelve-year-old Evie didn’t mean to get lost—especially in the Cretaceous period! Now she’s alone, without her parents or anyone else to turn to for help. That is until she rescues a baby pterosaur and raises it on her own. As the baby grows into a giraffe-sized flying reptile, which Evie names Ada, the two manage to to find a way to survive in the prehistoric wilderness.
But Evie will have to risk everything when she makes a discovery that may just be her only chance of returning home. Putting Ada’s flying skills to the ultimate test, the duo must embark on a journey halfway across the world—battling all nature throws at them, from fearsome dinosaurs to raging storms. Will Evie manage to overcome all the odds and find a way back to her family… or is she truly lost in time?
It’s still available now for preorder, from any bookstore or online retailer. If you can, I’ll always say to support your indie bookstores and preorder it there, because that’s a win-win for me!
I made a little retrospective post about it on my blog detailing how the process began, and how it ended up the way it was. This book took years in the making! What began as some fun story concept doodles in 2017, then evolved into my first pitching attempts for publishing and finally my first ever (published) graphic novel. It’s been an incredible experience, honestly–still in a lot of ways, it’s surreal to me. I’ve also just been waiting oh so patiently for this book to come out, since I finished it this time last year–I’m itching SO BADLY to see it in person, and for others to finally read it, too!

For locals, I’m in talks with a local comicbook shop right now to organize a book launch for Lost Time at the end of October. More details about that to come soon!
Lost Time also got a very lovely review from Kirkus Reviews, which you can read in full right here.

So, in a surprise turn of events–we got into SPX! We’re gonna be there September 9 to September 10th, at table K14A.
We’re also going to be at Pin Patch Show Toronto in October!
It was a bit of slim pickings for autumn conventions, but we’re happy we managed to get into these ones! We’re also confirmed for the Holiday Montreal Minicon, which will be going down towards the holidays.
On Our Radar
I’m gonna take the last part of this newsletter to do something new! We use these to blab about ourselves a lot, but I think it’s very worth chatting about cool stuff from our peers that we love, too. So here’s some other wonderful artists/works to check out, if you like our stuff!
- Our friends Emily Riesbeck and NJ Barna also have a debut graphic novel this year! The Pirate and the Porcelain Girl is a YA fantasy comic that I’m still reeling over. With Emily’s amazing worldbuilding and character writing, joined with NJ’s incredible art and colours, it’s seriously a POWERFUL matchup. The book is incredible, too. This is exactly the kind of fantasy graphic novel you’ve been looking for, with villains you’ll love to hate, amazing action sequences, and girls who kiss. It’s also available wherever books are sold! I seriously cannot recommend this book enough. Find out more here!
- Our good pal Gisele (who also does editing work for Augustine) has been working on an online webnovel, Earthshine. Not only is the story incredible–and Gisele’s art completely gorgeous–but I seriously implore everyone to get into webnovels! They really need to be more of a thing! Please, check it out right here!
- Another local friend, Cab, released the English version of her book Utown (the French version is also available!). It’s a gorgeous, heart-wrenching book absolutely full of soul–and also Top Tier ink work. Considering picking it up from your local bookstore, too! (You can also read it all online right here!)
- If you’re looking for more lesbians (who isn’t), there’s also our friend Fawnduu’s new graphic novel release: Big Cats! It’s lesbian cowboys! Yeehaw!! You can purchase it online right here!
That’s all for now!
Stay safe out there this season, everyone!

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