Montréal Comic Con
Ohboy, here she is, the show I (Winter) have been doing for exactly 10 years now. I remember aaaalll the way back in 2013 the way I used to look up to other artists who had been doing cons for 10 years and now uh… I Get It. We got a little thank-you card from…
Festival BD de Montréal (Montreal Comic Arts Festival)
I loooove to acronym this one FBDMCAF because it looks a little bit insane, and well this year it absolutely was insane for the two of us! I’ve been doing this show for about…. five years now? (Since 2016) and Tas has been joining me for about the last 4 iterations! They used to have…
Vancouver Comic Arts Festival
Or as everyone now calls it: VanCAF! This was our third time doing this show and, like our first time doing this one, the energy of it all was fantastic! (Our second time we were placed in the gym and… it was rough… less of a fun time admittedly… not sure its exactly fair that…
Calgary Comics & Entertainment Expo
Or a show we lovingly dub, Calgary Expo! This is a show I’ve done… four times?? And Tas about five times now. It was a show we started doing as an excuse to pay off a trip to see each other when we were Long-distance and now has become a show we do so that…
Emerald City Comic Con
This post is coming in a bit late since I wasn’t sure if I wanted to do these but I figure its taking up a big part of our life this year so we might as well! Been thinking a lot about doing quick little posts on our impressions of some of the conventions we’ve…