Hey everyone! The beginning of the year is always a ride for us. So many things happening, so many twists and turns, so many opportunities! This is the time of year we usually work on all what we need for conventions for the year, as well as preparation for campaigns. Which means we have some great previews for you this time, and some cool new stuff in the shop!
New Campaign: The Seven Deadly Pins
This was a surprise to us, but in early February Backerkit reached out to us to participate in Pintopia. So we decided to jump on board! 2024 is gonna see a brand new pinset from us, representing the seven deadly sins!

These pins are going to be 2″, gold plated, and with a special stained-glass like effect on the red enamel. It’s our first time hosting a campaign on Backerkit, so we’re eager to try it out! Pintopia is also a fun little adventure, where you partner with another campaign, and anyone who backs both campaigns gets a free pin from the both of them! We’re partnering with Pinfinity of Ships, so considering checking that one out and get free pins from the both of us!
The campaign will launch on March 28!
Also… if you’re a returning backer for us (AKA if you’ve backed any of our previous Kickstarters), you will get a special bonus sticker sheet with your order!

Hey, remember those plushie designs? Well, we have some great news… IT LIVES.

We’ve finally got the prototype to look how we like! Now we just have to wait until we can have it in person and see if it needs any more tweaks. We’re overjoyed by how it looks, though, it’s perfect!
The campaign for this guy (and maybe other friends…?) will happen end of April! We’ll give you the preview page as soon as it’s ready.
New in the Shop
We’ve got a handful of new goodies hitting the shop this month!

We have fancy new totebags! They’re screenprinted locally in Montreal, with eco-friendly inks. They open flat at the bottom and are really nice quality, we’re super happy with them! Comes in dino skull or creepy eyes!

We have a new sticker sheet! Some vampire heads, based on our old magnets!

A brand new thing we’re trying out here–some stationary notepads! If you wanted to write some notes with cool dinosaurs on them, we’ve got you covered.
Comics are of course still in the works!
Augustine has been updating since it’s return in late January. Don’t forget to catch up!
Augustineeies has also been going steady, but we’ve hit a bit of a wall with that one–lots of new projects are butting in, and a funny gag comic is harder to make time for. We’re not ending Augusteenies, but we will no longer be updating it every week like we did before. It will update whenever we get something done for it.
We have plenty of other comic work we’re doing behind the scenes right now, but nothing we can really share–yet! However there have been some things we’ve been sharing on our Patreon. Rest assured, our brains are always wired on comics and stories.
That’s all for now! Wishing all of you a lovely start of the year, and looking forward to things to come!

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