Hello everyone! It’s been a while since we did a proper, actual newsletter update. Apologies: this year has been a strange mess. Between conventions happening earlier than our usual, finishing PTTR V3, and some life things that hit us–we haven’t really had much to really update during the last couple months. But after all of that, we have some actual cool things to share, some new developments, and our plans for the rest of 2023. Let’s take a look!

Our big focus in the last couple months was finishing Volume 3 of Paint the Town Red, so that we can fulfill the Kickstarter we ran last year. And good news! It’s all finished, and printed, and here!

This book was a bit of a whirlwind to get through. We were delayed on it last year as we finished up Lost Time. Now it’s complete, and we officially have a third installment in Paint the Town Red! That’s super exciting to us. Plus, a lot of really fun things happen in this volume, we’re excited for you all to read.

The next few weeks will focus on fulfilling the Kickstarter. Everything is accounted for, we just have to, well, do it.
If you missed the campaign, the books are available now on our store. The PDF version of it will be available soon.

Augustine finished it’s first chapter in early June! That’s a whole first chapter now for you to read, which is a good time to jump in if you were waiting for it to build some buffer! We are currently on a little break from Augustine as we write up the next chapter, and are preparing to start chapter 2 in August. July is going to see some bonus content go up to fill some of the space.
We also still have preorders up for the printed version of Chapter 1, which is gonna be a pretty snazzy looking book that we’re really excited to receive.

Those who have been following us for a while probably remember we had a Patreon a few years ago. We always struggled with that one, and getting it to balance with our work schedule on top of when we were just starting out as W&W. As a result, we ended up closing the Patreon because it was proving too difficult for us to keep track of.
Now that we’re a little more sure of ourselves, we’re feeling confident enough to relaunch it. Mostly, we missed having a place to share early concepts and pages of our work, and Patreon was always the perfect place to do so!
We’re officially launching today!
Patrons will be changed the same time of the month they sign up. We also simplified this Patreon relaunch into two tiers:

There’s Off the Shelf, which is a catch-all for everything we’re basically working on. You’ll receive monthly updates on our latest projects and comics, concepts for future ones, and access to early pages. On top of that, there will be a monthly coupon for 25% off on our store.
Then there’s also Under the Table, where for the first time we’ll be offering NSFW comics and images. You get everything from Off the Shelf, while also getting access to spicier artworks; pinups, comics, you name it. Everything under the Off the Shelf tier will be completely SFW.
Patreon will always be a spot for folks to support us, and we’re grateful for that. If you can’t support us there, there’s absolutely no hard feelings. Reading our stuff, subscribing to the newsletter, visiting us at a con—all of these things support us in so many ways. Thank you all!
(As a small aside: if you received an email saying we blocked you on Patreon, please disregard! When we reopened our Patreon it kept all the old patrons, and we didn’t want them to get charged—Patreon seems to have removed the ability to just delete patrons, so our only option was to soft-block. We didn’t realize this would send an email notifying that. None of the blocks were permanent, we promise!)
We’ve had a bit of tough luck for this end of the year, for conventions. It started so strong, but unfortunately we’re struggling to get into a lot of shows by the end of this year.
This includes Otakuthon, which is a staple for us that we love to do. Unfortunately we were waitlisted, so it remains to be seen if we will be there this year.
We do still have one more con on the schedule, Montreal Comiccon, July 14-16! We’re table numbers 1906-1908. We hope to see you there!
As for our plans for the rest of the year, we’ve been discussing running another Kickstarter campaign to launch a new blanket design (this one themed around SPACE!) We’ll keep you updated on that, if it launches it’ll be sometime in the summer.
Lost Time is also still available for preorder, and as a reminder will be launching October 3rd! We’re hoping to do some cool things with that, so keep your eyes peeled.
Thanks as always for your patience, everyone! This has been a bit of a strange year, so we appreciate you all sticking with us.

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