Hello everyone! June was a pretty busy month for us, but unfortunately a lot of that work is still under wraps… for now. Here’s a bit of what we had going on, and what to expect for the summer:

Paint the Town Red is our collaborative comic series about the dramatic lives of queer vampires and werewolves.
The PTTR V3 campaign ended on a very nice 7k! Thank you all so much for your support for our little series, we’re so happy to bring you more. On top of the book itself, we unlocked a couple of stretch goals with sticker sheets of the characters, that we are excited to have:

Work on the comic is underway, being chipped at between other projects. We’ll be sure to keep backers on the campaign updated as we go! Lots of people also have asked us if PTTR is online anywhere. V1 was posted online some time ago, but we hope to bring more of PTTR online very soon…

The Sanity Circus is a long running adventure webcomic about monsters, magic and mystery. You can read it online here.
Sanity Circus has officially returned! It has been updating every Monday and Friday for the past couple weeks. Hope you are all ready for the ride!! You can catch up with the current chapter here.
If June wasn’t already packed with comics work and conventions, we also had a special delivery: the Theropod cards!

(They arrived literally right before TCAF, which was great because we got to bring some—but also everything’s just gotta happen at once, huh?)
We’re working on fulfilling orders for the cards right now, and most have been shipped out! We also have them available on the shop right now, if you missed the campaign!
We also have a restock of the Extinction zine, a small risograph zine made by Tas about grief. It’s printed with metallic ink and includes two little prints!

We just returned from TCAF, which was super fun! Thank you to everyone who stopped by and bought something from our little table. Also, thank you to the TCAF staff for enlightening us to the joys of canned water.
Up next we have Montreal ComicCon, the weekend of July 8th-10th! Finally somewhere local where we can let loose our big display. We’ll have cards, blankets, books, pins, you name it. Hope to see you there!
As a final note, here’s another preview of our upcoming webcomic AUGUSTINE, coming to you hopefully very soon…

Have a wonderful and safe summer (or winter)!

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