Hey hey everyone! We’re into the summertime here, officially (and we’ve already had a handful of heatwaves, yippee). May was super busy, and as we tried to recover from it, June just… flew by. Honestly, where did it even go!? So this is gonna combine both May and June, because what even is time anymore.
Dino Loafs
The Loafs were a big success! Thank you sooo much, everyone! We’re super excited to bring these guys to life. So far we have all of the Loafs prototyped, and most of them are finalized. The only ones left to finalize are Muffin (we needed a small colour change) and Shortcake (we don’t have the prototype in hand yet to confirm). But here’s what we have of this colourful bunch:

We have a Google Drive folder here that you can view all the photos we have of each plush.
If you missed the campaign, or are international, we have the preorder store open here. We’ll only have it around until July 13th! Afterwards, the Loafs will be available in our store (but at a higher price).
Seven Deadly Pins
We just got the shipment in for the first batch of our new pinset, and they look STUNNING! It was our first time playing with translucent enamel, it came out gooorgeous.

We’re waiting on the second shipment now, still, but it should be here soon! Then we’ll be shipping these bad boys out to all backers. The pins should appear in our shop very soon too, if you missed the campaign!
Here’s a quick little round up on all of our comic projects, and where we’re standing with them currently:
We promised to return Augustine back in June, but… like I said, June just zoomed by. We got work done on Augustine but we wanted a little bit more to build a nice buffer for us. So Augustine will be returning July 9th! Thanks for being patient!
The Sanity Circus
SanCirc celebrated its 10th birthday back in March. On that day I announced the plans I have to release the ending: I’ll be posting the script (plus some drawings) of the final chapters. The script is currently done, there’s just some images I want to finish up and add before posting it. This should also be soon, as long as July doesn’t fly by as quickly as June does–who knows.
For its birthday, we also put the PDF of the SanCirc Artbook made for the Kickstarter way back when on our shop. It’s a nice collection of most of the art and concept art for the comic collected together.
Paint the Town Red
We’re still on our year-long break from PTTR, so we’re not currently working on anything for it. It continues to update on the website, however, and we just started getting into Volume 3!
Conventions are a bit more spaced out for the summer (yaaay for us)! Here’s what’s up and coming:
Montreal Comic Convention (MTLCC) – Montréal, QC // July 5-7
Otakuthon – Montréal, QC // August 2-4
Ottawa Comic Convention (OCC) – Ottawa, ON // September 6-8
If you’re gonna be around, feel free to say hello!
Thanks as always for reading and your support! Enjoy your summer, or winter, wherever you live!

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