Hello everyone! We have reached the end of this year, and are winding down to enjoy a little break until the next year begins. It’s been a very busy year. We returned to conventions, launched a new webcomic, completed a whole graphic novel, printed new things–it was a lot, and we’re very proud of all the work we’ve put out. Even November ended up being busy enough for us to not make this newsletter in time! Let’s delve into a little of what we were working on this month, and end this with what to expect next year from us…

Paint the Town Red is our collaborative comic series about the dramatic lives of queer vampires and werewolves.
We’re working hard into Volume 3 of Paint the Town Red! It’s almost halfway done with inks. Working on it had to slow down a lot to make way for Lost Time (haha?), but now it’s able to have more of our attention… right when it’s winter break. It’ll be our number one priority when we return to work in January. Here’s some previews!


Augustine is a webcomic following the titular character as she and her friends stumble into an ancient artifact that draws the attention of powerful assholes, bounty hunters, and old gods. You can read it online here.
Augustine will continue to update for a little bit through December, including double-page updates for this week! We’ll be finishing up the boar fight scene, and then returning with new pages on January 17th! Be sure to check it out!
The big thing we were also preparing for this month was our new blankets, which have now arrived!

Unfortunately, since it’s so close to the holidays, we’re gonna hold off on shipping these out until afterwards, to avoid them being lost in the large volumes of mail. Therefore, if you backed the campaign, or preordered it, it should be coming to you by January!
We mentioned a bunch of our possible plans for 2023 in our last newsletter. We’re still sticking to that! We want to explore doing more conventions, making more things, and creating more stories! We also plan to maybe branch out into some American cons (we already have a possibility with Emerald City…) so look forward to that!
As always, we want to thank all of you for making this busy year possible for us. We love nothing more than to create and bring you the things we love to create, and having such a lovely, supportive following to do so makes it so much better. Thank you for allowing us to do this, and keeping us going. Here’s to a lovely 2023! (Which, by the way… keep an eye out for Lost Time in the fall!)
Have some lovely holidays, or a fantastic season. Keep safe!

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