Hello hello! Here’s just a little reminder on what’s going down this month before we come to a close!
The LOST TIME book launch!

A reminder that the book launch for Lost Time is this Sunday, at Crossover Comics! I will be there to sign books!! We’re also gonna have some other goodies to offer, like the Fakemon zine and Bonebed pins, as well as some brand new Lost Time stuff, like these:

A cute little wooden charm, stickers and (depending if our printer gets them out in time) possibly a concept art book for Lost Time! All of these will be available in our shop after the event.
Speaking of shop! One other reminder is that our big SHOP SALE is still ongoing! It ends at the end of the month–so now’s the best time to snag stuff for holiday gifts, or anything for yourself.

A smaller announcement, which is also pretty cool: Paint the Town Red Vol 1 and Augustine Vol 1 are now available in the Hivemill shop! Many thanks to Hiveworks for coordinating with us–we hope to stock Vol 2 and 3 of PTTR in the future!
We also have several books out with Emerald Comics Distro, so our books can be seen in plenty of bookstores in the Seattle/Portland area, including: Books with Pictures (Portland), Push/Pull (Seattle), Excalibur Comics (Portland) and Gabi’s Olympic Cards & Comics (Portland). If you’re from there, keep an eye out for them!
That’s all for now! As always we get a bit quiet during the holidays since we’re so busy around this time of year. There may be one more newsletter update before the end of the year. Until then–happy holidays and have a great Halloween!
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