All of the miscellaneous concept art created for Tas’ debut graphic novel, LOST TIME.


THE MYTH ABOUT MYTHS was originally intended to be a series of visual (and very frank) dictionaries for as many of the characters in each mythology as I could possibly draw… well it turns out there’s well over 300 deities and while I managed to include 280 of them I really had to stop there.

DINO DAYS is a collection of all 3 of Tas’ first DINOVEMBER zines (aka Dino-November where creatives have to draw a dino per day). In this case 2 of those zines were of Dinosaurs, the last one is of various prehistoric critters.

“MARCHING BAND” as we call it colloquially was really just a fun little idea Tas ran with eons ago. Who doesn’t like the idea of a bunch of cool feathered prehistorics in marching band outfits??