A Beginner’s Guide to the Lapeo Region is a zine we’ve lovingly dubbed ‘Fakemon’ as it illustrates a series of fan-created pocket monsters designed with paleo and household item inspirations!

Smooch Quest follows a young warrior named Gideon on her very first quest! Turns out the trick to defeating beasts and babes is to give them a proper little smooch!

Extinction is a short experimental zine drawing parallels to personal growth and our relationship with our past, both personal and prehistoric.

Butcher Bird collects all of Tas’s goretober drawings created during October 2017.

Here lies a whole bunch of the zines Tas & Winter have created before Windy & Wallflower came into fruition. We’re putting these up here for posterity (and on the offchance that folks even still have these… honestly that would be insanely impressive of you).