Hi everyone! April was another weird month for us. Plenty of waiting for projects, plenty of preparations for the upcoming con season, which we haven’t had to prepare for in two years now. Because of that, we don’t have a whole lot of new stuff to show you this month. The both of us are also deep into starting work on our comic projects, but lots of those are in beginning stages. Here’s where we stand with each of them right now:
- Paint the Town Red (Volume 3): Scripted, thumbnailed, now on sketches. (Campaign is in June)
- Augustine: Scripted (first chapter), now on thumbnails. (Launch is in August)
- The Sanity Circus: Scripted, thumbnailed (Chapter 21), on sketches. (No launch date yet)
Tas has also been busy working on their graphic novel, having just finished all the sketches for it! That makes… basically four comics the crew of W&W are working on right now. It’s a lot, but we’re enjoying it–we can’t wait to show you what we’re working so hard on!
Last weekend we did our first big convention at Calgary Comic Expo! The lack of mask mandates made it a little unnerving, but otherwise it was a very good show. We’re extremely happy to be back to doing some conventions this year. It was the first time a lot of our stuff has been able to see conventions for the first time, and we’re so proud to see how well they did.

Our next convention coming up is MCAF, in Montreal, which is May 28th-30th. We’ll be at kiosk D71, and Winter is on a panel about Queer Comics on Sunday! We hope to see some of you there!
On top of that, one of our big updates is… our website!

We completely reworked our main website, cleaned it up and added plenty of new pages and images to look around in. It’s not entirely complete yet, there’s still some pages that need to be filled out, but we’re extremely happy with how the site looks now. It also has a toggle-able dark mode!
If you’re viewing this post from our site… hello! If you aren’t, feel free to browse around on it! We’re hoping to make some more exclusive blog posts only on the site, covering topics like conventions, tips and tricks, and self-publishing. We also have dedicated pages to each of our projects, if you want to read more about them.

Currently, the Prism Knights Omnibus has been ordered and should be arriving very soon, allowing us to finally ship out the rest of the rewards for Prism Knights. We are also working on the tuck box design for the Dinosaur Cards (which is proving to be more difficult than we thought, but we’re getting through it), so it should be properly ordered soon. We also put in a reorder for the little Extinction zines, which should be back on our shop in May!
Otherwise, that’s all we have for now. Thanks for your support and sticking with us!
Take care, and stay safe,

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