Let’s Cut To The Chase
You might have some inkling here as to who the heck the two of us are…
In that case… here’s some hot-button links to get you right into the action:
Clicking any of the links above will pretty much take you to pages that have art or stories on them for your FREE reading & viewing pleasure!
Wait… didn’t you also make…?

You know, probably. And you might have found that particular trinket at our conventions, baby! On top of all our books and comics, we also love telling stories with all our fun merch. You might have seen us at a local convention, comic festival, market or maybe even the Artist Alley Shop. If you recognize any of these, you’ve seen us before!

Montreal Maker’s Market – Montréal, QC // March 29-30
Calgary Comic Expo – Calgary, AB // April 24-27
FBDM-MCAF – Montréal, QC // May 23-25
Montreal Comic Convention (MTLCC) – Montréal, QC // July 4-6
Ottawa Comic Convention (OCC) – Ottawa, ON // September 5-7

PINTOPIA: MYTHOS – Backerkit // January 23rd-February 13
PINTOPIA: Lil’ Harpies – Backerkit // January 23rd-February 13
You can also always bookmark this page and check in once a month like a cryptid, OR you can RSS to our blog which updates with a bunch of extra stuff~
So hey, we TRY to offer what we can absolutely FREE to read, BUT if you wanna help us pay bills so we can KEEP making this crazy shit, here’s where you can toss money at us: